
Intelligent Process Automation Guide: What Is Intelligent Automation?

Shuja Najmee
November 8, 2023

Ever imagined a world where everything in your business runs smoother, faster, and, dare we say, smarter? That's the promise of the futuristic realm of intelligent automation.

As our business world keeps morphing, being adaptable isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must. Here's the deal: intelligent process automation might just be the hero we've been waiting for, swooping in to meet those ever-changing demands head-on.

And guess what? This blog is your golden ticket to understand it all. From the nitty-gritty of IT solutions and machine learning to the different benefits of IA to businesses.

Woman teaches intelligent automation to a man

What is intelligent automation? 

Intelligent automation, also referred to as intelligent process automation, is a fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. In simpler terms, it's like giving your standard automation tools a brain boost.

Think of those tedious tasks you handle every day. Now, imagine them being done automatically but with a touch of smart decision-making thrown in. That's intelligent automation for you. 

Instead of just repeating the same task, these tools can now think, adapt, and decide the best course of action based on data and situations. So, you're not only saving time but also ensuring the job gets done right.

For businesses, this means better efficiency and fewer mistakes. It's a game-changer, ensuring your business stays ahead without breaking a sweat.

Difference between IA to AI

How intelligent automation works vs. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

So, you've probably heard terms in technology like AI and intelligent automation tossed around a lot lately. But what's the difference between them? Let’s clear the air.

First off, AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is like the brainy kid in the tech class. It's designed to think, learn, and even make decisions, just like humans. It processes vast amounts of data, spots patterns, and learns from experience.

Think of voice assistants like Siri or Alexa. They "listen," "understand," and "respond," all thanks to AI.

Now, enter intelligent automation. While it might sound super similar, it's actually a blend of our brainy kid (AI) and automation.

Intelligent automation combines AI in doing its tasks, which are all about doing repetitive tasks without you having to lift a finger. But when you sprinkle some AI magic on top, these tasks aren’t just repeated; they're optimized. The system uses AI and learns from the data it processes, making smarter decisions each time. 

For instance, imagine an automated customer service chatbot. With AI, it doesn’t just respond; it understands customer sentiment, adapts its responses, and maybe even cracks a joke to lighten the mood!

Here’s a simple way to look at it. AI is the brain, the thinker. Automation is the doer, the worker bee. Together, in intelligent automation, they're like a superhero duo. AI brings the brains the strategy, while automation rolls up its sleeves and gets the job done.

Woman learns more about intelligent process automation

5 important components of intelligent process automation

Picture this: intelligent automation is like a state-of-the-art watch, intricate, precise, and a result of several components working seamlessly together. Let's get to know these components a little better.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Let's start with the brain of the operation. AI is what lets intelligent automation think and learn. You know when you see systems adapting and making decisions based on new information? That's AI flexing its muscles. Think of it like the brainy friend who always knows the answer – except this one's fueled by algorithms and data.

2. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA is a hands-on worker. It handles repetitive tasks without breaking a sweat. Ever heard of tasks being automated in a company, like sorting emails or data entry? That's RPA doing its thing. Imagine a tireless assistant who can work 24/7 without a coffee break; that's pretty much what RPA offers.

3. Business Process Management (BPM)

Now, for the strategy champ. BPM looks at the broader picture, helping businesses streamline their operations and improve efficiency. If you've ever thought, "There's got to be a better way to do this!" – BPM is the tool that finds that way. It's like a coach who ensures every player (or process) is in the right position to score.

4. Tools

Tools in intelligent automation are specialized software or applications designed to execute specific tasks. Think of them as the Swiss Army knife in the intelligent automation toolkit. Need to extract data from a document? There's a tool for that. Want to analyze customer feedback? Yep, there's a tool for that too. It’s like having the perfect kitchen gadget for every culinary challenge you face.

5. Data

The lifeblood of the entire system. Without data, AI wouldn't have anything to learn from, RPA wouldn't know which tasks to perform, and BPM wouldn't understand the processes to refine. It's the foundation on which everything else stands. If intelligent automation were a car, data would be its fuel, driving every move and decision.

IT staff does everything in automation using AI

Benefits of intelligent automation platform: What it can do for your business

Intelligent automation isn't just a buzzword; it's a game-changer. Let's unravel its capabilities and the difference it's making in the modern workspace.

Data analysis & insights

Imagine your business gathering heaps of data daily. With intelligent automation, not only can it sift through this mountain faster than you can say "data," but it can also spot trends, make predictions, and give you valuable insights. It’s like having a crystal ball but backed by real data.

Customer service enhancement

Ever been on a website and had a chat pop-up offering help? That’s often a bot powered by intelligent automation. It doesn’t just answer; it learns from user interactions, understands queries, and tailors responses accordingly. So, next time you're chatting with a bot, remember there's some smart tech behind that friendly virtual face!

Financial processes

Tired of those tedious invoice approvals and expense tracking? Intelligent automation streamlines such financial tasks. It can automatically match invoices to purchase orders, flag discrepancies, and even forecast future expenses. Think of it as a super-smart accountant, minus the coffee breaks.

HR & recruitment

Hiring the right talent can be a challenge. But, with this automation, screening resumes, scheduling interviews, and even initial communication with candidates becomes a breeze. It can also assist in onboarding, making sure new hires feel welcome and are set up from day one.

Supply chain & inventory management

If you're in retail or manufacturing, keeping track of inventory can be a real headache. Intelligent automation can monitor stock levels, predict when you'll run out of key items, and even automate reordering to ensure you never miss a beat.

Marketing campaigns

Want your marketing to be more... well, intelligent? With this automation, you can analyze customer behavior, segment audiences more effectively, and even tailor promotions to individual preferences. It’s like having a personal shopper for each of your customers!

IT operations & cybersecurity

Maintaining IT infrastructure and ensuring security can be complex. But toss in some intelligent automation, and things get simpler. It can predict system outages, handle routine maintenance, and even detect suspicious activities, all while you sleep soundly.

Healthcare and patient care

From scheduling appointments to monitoring patient health metrics in real-time, this kind of automation plays a vital role in modern healthcare. It ensures timely interventions, streamlines administrative tasks, and can even assist in diagnostics by analyzing medical data swiftly.

Research & development

Whether it's pharmaceuticals or tech gadgets, research requires sifting through massive data sets. Enter intelligent automation: it can analyze experimental results, help in simulations, and speed up the discovery process.

Step-by-step guide for intelligent process automation

How to implement intelligent process automation (step-by-step guide for automation success)

Alright, so you're on board with the idea of intelligent process automation. You've seen the light, and now you're itching to dive in. But where do you start? No worries. We’ve got your back. Let’s unravel the mystery together, one step at a time.

  • Define clear objectives: Before you even think about the technicalities, ask yourself: What do I want to achieve with intelligent automation? Maybe you're aiming to reduce operational costs, or perhaps you're trying to streamline those tedious processes that are slowing everyone down. By identifying your goals, you’re laying down a roadmap for a smoother journey.
  • Assess your current systems: Time for a little self-reflection. Dive deep into your current systems and processes. Which parts feel clunky or outdated? Which ones have your employees pulling their hair out? This assessment is like a health check-up for your business, ensuring you know exactly where the medicine (a.k.a. automation) is needed most.
  • Choose the right tools: Now, you're not going to wear winter boots to the beach, right? Similarly, you've got to select the right tools for your unique business needs. Do your homework. Investigate different automation solutions, weigh their pros and cons, and pick the one that fits like a glove.
  • Involve your team: Remember, you're not on this journey alone. Involve your team right from the get-go. Their insights about day-to-day operations can be golden. Plus, when everyone’s on board and understands the changes, the transition becomes way smoother. Think of it as taking a group road trip – it’s more fun when everyone’s singing along!
  • Start small, think big: Don't try to automate everything all at once. Start with one process. Perfect it. Then move on to the next. This approach reduces hiccups and allows for easier troubleshooting. But while you’re starting small, always have the bigger picture in mind. It keeps the momentum going.
  • Monitor and optimize: Once you're up and running, don’t just set it and forget it. Keep an eye on how things are going. Are processes running smoother? Are there any unexpected glitches? Regular check-ins ensure that you’re getting the most out of your automation, kind of like tuning a guitar to make sure it’s always hitting the right notes.
Benefits of partnering with Najmee in intelligent automation

Looking for the best in intelligent automation processes? Enter Najmee! 

By now, we've dived deep into the world of intelligent automation, laying bare its wonders. But with all that knowledge in your arsenal, the next big question is: Who do you trust to help guide your business through this digital frontier? Enter Najmee.

With over 20 years of experience, our company stands tall as a beacon of excellence in the domain of advanced automation technologies. From the heart of the Tri-State area to national and global horizons, we've proven our mettle time and again. But how exactly has Najmee made waves in the realm of automation? 

  • 24/7 IT support helpdesk: Day or night, we've got you covered, ensuring that tech hiccups don’t keep you awake.
  • Cybersecurity & unified communications: In an age where data is gold, we offer top-notch cybersecurity services coupled with seamless communication solutions, making business interactions a breeze.
  • Strategic advisory services: Our wisdom doesn’t just stop at technology. We've been advisors, helping businesses craft strategies fit for the digital age.
Woman teaches more about the digital future with Najmee

Your digital future awaits with Najmee!

We're living in a time where adapting to intelligent automation isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity. As the wheels of innovation keep turning, businesses need to hop on board or risk being left in the dust. And with a trusted partner like Najmee by your side, you're not just keeping up – you're leading the charge.

So, are you ready to be a part of this transformative journey? Drop an email to or give us a ring at (201) 720-2121.

Frequently asked questions

How does IA differ from traditional Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

IA, often referred to as intelligent automation or IPA (intelligent process automation), combines RPA with AI technologies. While RPA handles structured tasks, IA dives deep into unstructured data using tools like computer vision, optical character recognition (OCR), and natural language processing (NLP). In essence, IA brings cognitive technologies into the workflow, reducing the need for human intervention.

What are the primary use cases for RPA in business settings?

RPA, sometimes referred to as robotic process automation, shines in automating existing processes that often consume significant employee time. For example, RPA can streamline back-office tasks, allowing digital workers to handle repetitive jobs.

Can you highlight some use cases where intelligent automation excels?

Certainly! Use cases for intelligent automation technologies range from end-to-end business process automation to nuanced tasks like analyzing analytics or employing process mining techniques. With the power of AI technologies, including computer vision and NLP, IA can handle tasks requiring insights from unstructured data.

How does intelligent automation benefit from Natural Language Processing?

Natural language processing, often referred to as NLP, empowers intelligent automation technologies to understand and process human language. This integration means IA systems can interpret unstructured data, such as customer feedback or emails, without constant human intervention. By marrying RPA with AI-powered solutions like NLP, businesses can harness a more holistic approach to automation.

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